Saturday, September 19, 2009

The National Art Library

So the National Art Library is located in the Victoria and Albert Museum, it is a magnificent place as you can see. The annoying part is that you can't check anything out!! You can use the books there, but it's a little annoying to not be able to bring the wonderful books home with me! I have a feeling that this place will be my main hang out place next summer. I'm not super bummed about that seeing as it's not so shabby. I snuck these photos because there was this crazy scary security guard/ welcome lady to at the entrance of the library who basically was mean if you made noise and probably would've thrown me out if she saw I was taking photographs, because the world is scared of photographs these days. You'd think the brits would be used to being on camera seeing as they're on public camera 90% of their day. just a thought....

anyways, just wanted to share the beautiful library goodness 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracie! The library does look cool....but why don't they let people check out books, or is it just because you are not a citizen there?
    Have you seen the movied Julie/Julia...forget the exact name, but it is about a year of blogging on cooking and Julia's a pretty cool movie....maybe your blog could turn out to be like that.....:)
    How is the weather over there? How do you feel about living there?
    Think about you.....Adam will be 10 in a couple weeks...can you believe it....
    Have a good time...enjoy every moment....Aunt Deb...xo
