Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Killed: Rejected Images of the Farm Security Administration

There is a recently released photobook that deserves some attention, it is titled "Killed: Rejected Images of the Farm Security Administration." It is 157 images from the Farm Security Administration that have been "killed" by Roy Stryker. The images were compiled by a William E. Jones, and seem to show a side to main stream life that was intentionally "killed" from the public. My copy of the book is in the mail, in which I will comment on the essays prefacing the photographs, but as of right now descriptions are stating that what is shown is photographic evidence of a mainstream homosexual culture in America during the days of the Depression. A statement from the book by Jones says, “Many (perhaps even most) viewers would find in the archive not a trace of homosexuality, but I refused to believe that it was completely absent from the visual record of the Great Depression. An historical queer presence must have been documented, if only unconsciously or accidentally, by the photographers of the FSA.” Jones also speaks about the current status of the American economy today, suggesting that we wont ever accept that we are in a depression until a picture proves it to us. I'm not sure that it's quite that bad, but he does make some valid points about the relationship photography has to the acceptance of reality. Anyways, there is only 1000 copies in this first edition, so get your hands on it if you see it! More to come once the book gets here......

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