Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
a little thought from a book on Mapplethorpes X portfolio...
" need not literally become what an artwork represents in order to find it good. This is the great fear of fundamentalists who condemn "obscene art." They believe that appreciating it is being it, and they fear that the seductiveness of this art will transform them against their will. Even the most liberal of us have had this anxiety. Despite our knowing the difference between a story and reality, art and real life, we have at times been unwillingly "invaded" by works of art. We should not fear art either for corrupting our reality or blunting it."
- Wendy Steiner
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Interactive museum space!
The interactive room in the British Galleries of the Victoria and Albert Museum. You can tell that we were more interested in trying on the petticoats and corsets than finding photographs to talk about. You can't see it, but there was a building blocks set behind me of the crystal palace so that you could build your own. As you can tell, that petticoat was not easy to get on.
Blind images
" On the first day, we worked dramatically, excitingly, in black and white , and on the second day with colour, using digital cameras, beautifully, contemplatively, in the gardens, chasing the penumbra of the total eclipse of the sun.
We found endless avenues of photographic exploration and the possibility of universal participation in this particular artistic field."
-Christine Kugele
Christine has no useful sight.
These were hidden in the benches of the Victoria and Albert's "photography wing." Yes they are a little boring to look at, but also intriguing at the same time. If blind people can see this much beauty in the world maybe the world would be a better place with a little missing sight.
The National Art Library
So the National Art Library is located in the Victoria and Albert Museum, it is a magnificent place as you can see. The annoying part is that you can't check anything out!! You can use the books there, but it's a little annoying to not be able to bring the wonderful books home with me! I have a feeling that this place will be my main hang out place next summer. I'm not super bummed about that seeing as it's not so shabby. I snuck these photos because there was this crazy scary security guard/ welcome lady to at the entrance of the library who basically was mean if you made noise and probably would've thrown me out if she saw I was taking photographs, because the world is scared of photographs these days. You'd think the brits would be used to being on camera seeing as they're on public camera 90% of their day. just a thought....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
coolest library ever
Thursday, September 10, 2009
F. Holland Day , 1889
An image we went over in class today that i felt was pretty powerful. I have a lot to say about it, probably too much. But for right now just some contemplation and I wanted to get it out there. A lot of the power comes from knowing the biography of the artist and I think its very important to know because artist work from their emotions, and knowing something that could cause a spike in their emotions can help you understand the work on a deeper level. In the case of this work, i think it is particularly important.